Okay, I get it. Sometimes, we just can't handle what life gives us, maybe we are on the brink of "giving up", or you are currently experiencing this bad feeling of being pressured or you wan't to improve your personality. Well, worry no more. Reddit community provides you the some of the most helpful, life pro tips that will greatly help you improve your self. 9. If someone works at your house to get a job done, buy them a water or a lunch. I know you've already met a bunch of them, working to fix something in your house. Maybe broken pipes? Faulty wiring? Or maybe creaky floors. These people keep working for livelihood, and I mean, just for them to sustain themselves and their family. It is an act of gratitude to give them something like water, or even food, just to show them how important they are or how much you value their work. Because you won't know, and no one else would know, if they are going through some rough things. Upon doing that, do not ever exp...
If you are a programmer, or if you understand programming memes, then read this blog. Many people guaranteed that they pursued programming because of the programming memes, not because they wanna do it, but to understand memes! Hardcore, right? Being a programmer sometimes really sucks, but you must know how to get the fun out of it. Trust me, it gets funny sometimes. 10. "We're all communists at heart! Where would we be without open source?" by u/csschsy The supreme power that if not all, then most of the programmers want! I mean, come on this code is "ours". Just kidding. We all do love having an open source so we could just distribute them to our team and so, but, you ask me why I love open-sourced projects? Well, I get some idea from them, how they implement idea and how they really manage to finish a project in a very detailed manner, but you gotta admit sometimes that documentations are very poor, and you have to research for yourself. I learn easily thro...