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Here's How You Strengthen Your Bonds With Your Friends Effectively

            It so much fun to have a best friend, right? Well, we all do, and the fun doesn't stop there. Your friends are there to join you do some stupid stuff when there is really nothing much else to do, or maybe you and your friends want to spend some time together to know each other's interests so that you could pursue them together. Whatever may be the definition of having a best friend is, it's very fun to have a best friend who will guide you by your side always. That is why we shouldn't just celebrate National Best Friends Day on a certain day, confused? You shouldn't be. We should celebrate it everyday, get the most out of each other, spend it with fulfillment of joy forever. 

            How do you really spend time with your friends in the most radical but friendly way? After reading this blog, I want you to text or chat your friend, have some time with each other, ask each other's weaknesses and interests. In that way, I'm going to guarantee you, the bond between you and your friends shall be strengthen. 

            You know, talk about each others embarrassing moments. You know, I remembered me and my friend Jeffrey talking about this nonsense. We were talking about our best moments doing pranks with our little brothers. I remembered telling to him about how hilarious it is when I did prank my brother when we were little, then he told he did the same with his sister, we were laughing in tears while we remember our most idiotic and childish plays.

            Jeff and my friends, including Jasper, we used to go outside near the riverbanks to play hardcore outdoor games, during the first two hours of our outdoor time, we used to play "Tag", I was always losing in that game, because I was so fat back then. That is why I hate it. After the play, we have to rest in the pile of logs, while doing so, we tend to talk about our best moments in life. It may sound corny or boring, but I'm telling you, we got our friendship stronger because of that. 

            I remember this instance when Jeffrey told us about his best moment, "You know guys, I have been with you for so long since our earliest days, and I'm going to tell you a little secret about my family.". At that moment, all of us felt so serious that we only lend our ears to Jeff for listening. He continued, "Long ago, Uncle Maxwell would bring us to his farm every summer so we could do some free time over his large farm within the wide array of wheat field soon to be harvested. In the house near his barn and his two-story house, there is this bungalow. I often asked my Uncle Maxwell about what's in the house?". As our curiosity struck as fast, we ask, "Well, what is it?". Jeffrey immediately said, "Of course I won't spoil it that fast you sneaky little weaklings. Just stay tuned, okay?". While all of us agreed in unison while the ambiance is really peaceful and cold during those times. 

            "Our uncle bought us to the bungalow, the house looked really creepy, because no one is currently staying in there, it's just a mere silence while I was crept out by the eeriness of the place inside.". While he added that his uncle and his wife used to stay in the bungalow while living with their grandparents. "He showed me his room, it was huge and wide. The ceiling was really high, there was this old bed that looks really scary, well, I don't know, it just feels like that. My uncle suddenly left me after telling me that he'll get some stuff in his parent's room which is just adjacent to his room. I felt adventurous during that time, despite the fact that the place looks so scary. I looked upon some of my uncle's stuff, until I noticed this shiny box thingy that felt so hard when touched. I took it from its place by pulling it, damn it was so heavy, then I realized it was a freaking vault!". "Enough of the suspense, what was in it?", Chris told Jeff. "No need to be rude tho. I heard footsteps approaching because the floor was wooden, I could hear intensifying footsteps approaching me, until my uncle caught me taking his stuff.".

            "Maybe your uncle was so really pissed! You're busted!", Chris responded. "Well damn right he is! I apologized afterwards promising that I won't touch his stuff ever again without asking for permission. But I felt curious that led me to ask my uncle what was in it. He asked me to be quiet and just don't talk about it to anyone else, while I responded 'hmm'. While he was pressing some buttons, I noticed the vault opened slowly and a shocking plot twist revealed, there were eight gold bars inside that vault!". All of us were shocked. "He really told me not to tell anyone else, so now, I might be doomed. This is just between us, okay? Don't tell it to anyone else, I'm trusting all of ya." We promised Jeff not to tell anyone else. 

I used to imagine the bungalow looking like this

            So, you see, the point is, it doesn't really matter if you curse when you talk to your friends, but hey, remember that don't curse too much, provided as well that it really isn't necessary. Well, I think that is the way me and my friends talk. To add, we were all boys, so, yeah. You might feel being betrayed by your friend, but the thing is, they your friend. Maintain your friendship as long as it is healthy.". Make your friendship effective by trusting each other, by doing some stuff together in a given time, help each other in times of need, defend them when they are being harmed or threatened, give them what you can give when they're in need, help them when they're in distress, tell them how lucky you are to have friends like them, unless they are being unhelpful to you or they're just using you, well, it's time to stop and find new friends. 

            Comment your most memorable moments with your friends down below! 


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