Well, this is not really a programming language, it's more of a markup language. HTML, sounds too technical, right? Whatever the answer may be, the fact still remains that it is very easy to learn, and I am happy to tell you that you could learn this too! Hyper Text Markup Language, the very fundamental building block of every website that you see when you surf online. Even this blog! It's made up of HTML blocks of code, which you could customize to make it more rad! Then I learned CSS along with this, Cascading Style Sheet. This beautiful thing here, is the reason why you see such beautiful designs of templates online. Try it for yourself! Come on! I'm telling you, it's fun!
6. JavaScript
This here is very popular, look, if you haven't heard of it, right click your mouse, click "Inspect Element", click the "Console" tab. Then in the command-line, type console.log("I am awesome."); then press the "Enter" key, then take a look at what the console output says. Cool! Right?
JavaScript is the fundamental front-end programming language of every website, if not all. It's been essential to make user interactivity very easy and much more exciting, I mean, just take a look at this website: Filippo Bello portfolio, amazing right? Well, it gets really awesome if you use JavaScript in your website. It creates a pretty stunning look.
5. PHP
How I've missed making dynamic websites back in the days, well, I'm still making dynamic websites until now, why stop? If you have the passion for blogging and programming, why not do them at the same time, right? Well, it get's really frustrating when it comes to programming because you have to fix your code readability, the bugs and the endless compilation errors. It's more fun when your progress is being saved in the server, and that is what PHP does, it is an indirect term for Hypertext Preprocessor. It gets really fun when lots people signs up to your website then they would form a community there, it's possible, yeah it is. Because PHP is server-side. Wanna try it out? Go to phptester and run the following code, <? php echo "I am awesome!"; ?> then watch the output in the next pane. Awesome ain't it? It's pretty easy to learn, I guarantee you!
4. Java
At first, I was pretty much frustrated on learning this, well, it's not really about learning, it's just one of the factors, but it's about the installation of the working environment for Java. It gets really frustrating, since there are so much needed, such as the local dependencies, etc, etc. Java is awesome language to learn because it is cross-platform, but somehow, it takes too much memory, although, still awesome to learn! Wanna try it out? Go to TutorialsPoint and execute the following code:
public class Awesome() {
public static void main(String []args) {
System.out.println("I am awesome.");
3. C++
Man, I admit! This language really fascinates me until now! I remembered learning it when I was 15 years old. I was sitting in front of the computer, I don't really know what am I looking at, but thankfully, I already have this prior knowledge about programming, but some things are really new to me and I should learn them further. The things that most fascinates me is that, C++ is a fast programming language, also cross-platform and also the basis for Linux GNUs and Android phones. I became really interested because operating systems really piqued my interest and I just found out that most of them are made up of C++. Although, C++ is very general, and it was somehow hard to learn, but in the end, continue to keep learning, and C++ became my expertise and I was so proud of myself. I even remembered using it on my laptop all day making a server-oriented game using C++, unfortunately, it got shut down since I can't support the maintenance of the server in our garage.
Wanna try it out? Go to Online GDB and compile the following code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout "I am awesome!";
return 0;
2. Python
For me, this programming language is yet, the best programming language I have learned for. You asking me why I learned this? For many reasons, of course. Many claim that Python is faster than any other programming language, and it is cross-platform as well! Python is also notable for being the primary programming language of construction for many of Linux distros and operating system. It is also considered as "Hacker's Language" because this programming language has really so much application and would carry you to many possibilities, plus, it's also very easy to learn! But, I am warning you, don't ever use Python to do such malicious things such as keylogging or website penetration.
Wanna try it? Go to Online GDB and compile this: print("I am awesome!")
1. Assembly
This, hardcore thing here, behold, I present you, Assembly! I've just learned about Assembly recently. I became so proud of myself because I made my very own Assembly-made binary calculator as my first program in my IBM PC at my garage. Assembly is really a low-level programming language next to the most basic computer language itself, the binary. Assembly really hits me with confusion, since it's syntax is pretty hard to understand. But as long as you get used to it, it becomes easy for you to make your own assembly projects. Well, I couldn't suggest any online platform for Assembly.
Wanna try it? Get an Ubuntu distro computer and open the terminal and type:
sudo apt install as31 nasm
To inform you, nasm is a general-purpose x86 assembly language.
If you are using NASM, then try this code
section .text
global _start
mov edx,len
mov ecx,msg
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
mov eax,1
int 0x80
section .data
msg db 'I am awesome!',0xa
len equ $ - msg
Then run the following commands to compile:
nasm -f elf64 awesome.asm # assemble the program ld -s -o awesome awesome.o # link the object file nasm produced into an executable file
./awesome # awesome is an executable file
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